We get a lot of traffic on this blog for law students looking to read about their bar results. When the Maryland bar exam results were coming out on Friday, we just got tons of traffic. The traffic has died off naturally but continues strong. Who is it? Surely, it…
Maryland Lawyer Blog
Sex with Clients
New Hampshire provides the latest in reminders that this is not a good idea.
New Maryland Power of Attorney Law
The Washington Post has a good article from a lawyer at Joseph, Greenwald & Laake on the Limited Power of Attorney Act, a new Maryland law that creates new hoops before power of attorney can be transferred.
Anonymous Discipline for Sex with Client’s Wife
The South Carolina Supreme Court anonymously admonished a lawyer who had sex with the wife of his client with whom he had three open cases. Our law firm’s general policy on these blogs is not to name names when lawyers screw up (or doctors or anyone else really for that…
New Workers’ Comp Opinion
There is a new 6-1 opinion by the Maryland Court of Appeals on a workers’ comp case in Montgomery County that was filed by an injured police officer. You can find the opinion here.
Court of Appeal of Maryland on Contract Interpretation
The Maryland Court of Appeals agrees with the CSA, reversing a Calvert Court trial court’s finding on no ambiguity in a waivers (yes, with an “s”) of subrogation clause in a form contract governing the construction of a restaurant. You can find the opinion here.
Smith v. State
When a Court of Appeals of Maryland opinion starts off with, “Reminiscent of a scene from a Cheech & Chong movie…”, you know the opinion will be interesting. Particularly when the dissent responds by quoting Mr. Mackey from South Park. You can find the full Smith v. State opinion here.
DWI/DUI Laws in Maryland
Maryland needs tougher DWI/DUI laws if we will reduce the number of drunk driving accidents. Two things come to mind. First, tougher laws. The Drunk Driving Elimination Act rejected by the Maryland legislature this Spring would have been huge. The bill would have required all DUI offenders to use an…
Law School Grade Inflation
The New York Times has an interesting piece about grade inflation. Apparently, some schools are going back and increasing the GPA of all of its students in an effort to make them more competitive. As an anonymous commenter alludes to on Overlawyered, this is not an awful idea at top…
Average Medical Malpractice Award in Maryland
According to Washingtonian, the average medical malpractice award in Maryland is $319,977, which is approximately $35,000 more than the national average. The average medical liability premium for specialists is $100,625, compared with the national average of $65,489. Not noted: just how much the average specialist makes in a year. (Hint:…